Theater in front of the world?
What we saw play out in front of our eyes on Feb 28th, 2025 in the oval office between the US President Donald Trump administration and Vladimir Zelensky was like an American TV reality show. It was filled with entertainment, drama and a lot of BS. But there were some interesting statements and a few threats; one from Zelensky and one from Trump.
Zelensky’s veiled threat: “First of all, during the war everybody has problems, even you. But you have nice ocean and do not feel now, but you will feel it in the future.” “You will feel influence.”
Trump to Zelensky: “The problem is I have empowered you to be a tough guy, and I do not think you would be a tough guy without the US. And your people are very brave. But you are either gonna make a deal or we are out. And if we are out, you will fight it out. I do not think it is going to be pretty, but you will fight it out.”
Trumps scolding of Zelensky was quite an eye-opening moment, which on its own, reveals several things;
[1] That vassal states are to do as they are told. (The quiet part out loud)
[2] That Zelensky is a dead man walking. (Because he will not do what he is told)
[3] That the Ukraine has lost the war.
[4] That the American proxy war on Russia is over…for now.
During the entire 46-minute interview, the gravelly voiced Zelensky, sounding like Thelma from the Simpsons, complained while promoting propaganda as reasons why the USA should continue its proxy war on Russia. Everything Zelensky said was an inversion of the actual facts, including how the war began, while Trump and his administration did nothing to correct his lies. It was quite nauseating to watch, until the argument broke out, which made me sit up and listen.
Even so, I've decided to remedy the information gap for readers because the Trump administration, who are trying to show the American people that they are the purveyors of justice, honesty and good ideals, should have come out and corrected Zelensky about the series of events that led up to the Ukrainian civil war…and the NATO gang war on Russia. In fact, the Trump administration should have told the truth themselves, but they didn't; which shows deception on their part.
So, for those who are unaware of how the war really started due to the abysmal state of the western mainstream media, and the deceptive politics of our western governments, here is how the US proxy war on Russia, through Ukraine, began.
In 2013, Ukraine’s elected Yanukovych government was faced with a choice to sign an economic agreement with the European Union or sign a continuing economic agreement with Russia.
When the Yanukovych government decided to take time to think about it, the western cartel of European governments became livid and demanded that the Ukraine government sign the European economic agreement. (Gun to the head diplomacy)
When the Yanukovych government decided it needed more time to think about it, western assets then launched the Euromaidan to put extreme pressure on the Ukraine government to sign the European deal.
As this protest grew in Kiev, the US then unleashed their belligerent assets that turned the protest into a violent rage, which then led to a bloodthirsty coup, backed by officials in the Obama government.
There is a 2013 phone conversation between deputy US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the US ambassador to Ukraine, which details who the US government wanted to put in place after the fall of the Yanukovych government.
When the violent coup succeeded, US assets were put in place. Once in power, violent elements of the regime set out on a genocidal quest to remove everything that was Russian including people in positions of power. This was not done peaceably; it was done with extreme prejudice and violence throughout the country; a country which is 50% Russian speaking. This is what sparked the Ukraine civil war in 2014. The people in eastern Ukraine, who are mostly Russian speaking, saw what was coming for them and began to organize to protect themselves. I mean, wouldn’t you?
20140126 – Kiev Face off – Ukraine Opposition Urges Snap Elections
20140311 – Wave of Abductions hits Ukraine
20140312 – Ukraine Interim PM to Bolster Take over with DC rubber Stamp
20140317 – Crimea Votes to Join Russia – 96.77% Say Yes
20140407 – Activists Declare Independent Donetsk Republic
20140503 – The Odessa Massacre
See more historical news videos on the Ukraine Civil War at the following Video Channel
The following is an excerpt from my book, "The Activist Poet Volume III" written in 2022 (pages 73 to 84)
The “Real” Unfolding Story on the Ground
Ukraine was a country that formed out of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and still is deeply connected with Russia. In 2014 nearly 8 million Russian speaking people lived in Ukraine, born and raised there and more than 15 million people in Ukraine claim Russian as their first language.
The 2014 coup in Ukraine is a statement of fact as Victoria Newland the US assistant Secretary of State at the time was recorded speaking to Geoffery Pyatt, the US ambassador to Ukraine about US plans on who was going to take control of power in Ukraine during the Coup.
Victoria Newland: “I think Yat’s (Arseniy Yatseniuk) is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. What he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know. I just think Klitsch going in…he’s going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it’s just not going to work.”
Geoffery Pyatt: “Yeah, no, I think that’s right. Ok.”
(Oleh Tyahnybok was the leader of the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda, a party that holds radical nationalist, neo-fascist and anti-communist positions)
Also, when Joe Biden was the U.S. Vice President, he revealed later in 2018, at a video recorded meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations; mentions how he bought the President of Ukraine:
Joe Biden: “I told Poroshenko and Yatseniuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn’t. So, when walking out of the press conference, I said, nah we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. He said “you’re not the authority; you’re not the president.” I said “call him.” I said, “you’re not getting the billion dollars”.
“You’re not getting the billion dollars; that I’d be leaving here in about 6 hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well son of a bitch…” they fired him.
Vice President Joe Biden admitted on the record that he paid money to Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko to have pro-Russian officials in Ukraine dismissed, proving once again how deeply involved the Americans were and still are in Ukrainian affairs.
In 2019 the US brought Zelensky to power in Ukraine to use the fact that he is a Jew to mask the Neo-Nazi air of the Ukraine regime.
So, I must ask, what is the difference between Nazi Germany ethnically cleansing the Jews from Europe, or the Zionist Israeli’s ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from Palestine, or the Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine ethnically cleansing the Russian speaking people from Ukraine? They are all exactly the same evil.
The US then began a series of conflicts and attempted violent coups on Russia’s allies.
In 2020 Azerbaijan launched a war on Armenia. Turkey a NATO member openly supported Azerbaijan, and yet, none of the NATO allies put pressure on Turkey or Azerbaijan to stop their aggression. Thousands died.
In 2020 the US tried to start a civil war in Belarus the attempt failed but many died.
Then Zelensky started making promises that he would return the Donbas and Crimea to Ukrainian control even though Crimea joined Russia in a referendum with an approval of 96.7%.
The Ukraine media and government officials threatened to take Crimea back by war. As for the Donbass, the Minsk agreement which was the diplomatic solution for the Ukraine civil war that was signed by Ukraine, well they never had any intention of peace. By Poroshenko’s own admission in 2022, it was only to stall for time so that they could build up their forces for their 2022 assault and provocation.
In 2021 Ukraine massed 125,000 troops on the Donbas region, Russia then massed its military on the Ukraine border saying it would not accept an attack on the Donbas region by Kiev Ukraine. NATO countries including Canada had armed and trained those Kiev forces.
Russia insisted that Ukraine adhere to the Minsk agreement which was signed in 2015 but Ukraine publicly refused a diplomatic solution of the conflict. Tensions escalated.
At the end of 2021 Russian President Vladimir Putin made a proposal to Europe and named his red lines. He offered to give guarantees if Ukraine would not join NATO, that Ukraine continue its neutral status and that the USA would not touch neighboring countries. The US and NATO refused to discuss Putin’s proposal and ridiculed him. Thus, refusing to acknowledge Russia’s security needs.
Ukraine also renounced its neutral nuclear status on Dec. 23rd, 2021 and refused all peaceful resolutions to their civil war, including the Minsk Agreement.
In 2022 the US launched another coup attempt on Russia’s border, this time in Kazakhstan, another military ally of Russia’s.
Immediately after the failed coup in Kazakhstan, the attacks by Ukraine in the Donbass region became more frequent so much so that the residents had to be evacuated. The Donetsk and Lugansk governments then publicly appealed to Russia for help considering that Ukraine had amassed an invasion force of 125,000 along on Donetsk and Lugansk borders.
To make matters worse, on Feb 19th, 2022, Ukraine stated that it intends to get nuclear weapons if left out of NATO.
On February 19th, the massed Ukraine army started bombing the Lugansk and Donetsk regions. In response, the leaders of the breakaway republics issued evacuation orders to their populations and then called upon all men under the age of 55 that were capable of carrying guns, to remain and defend their homes.
Bomb shells launched from Ukrainian military positions also landed in Russia. Russia put their military on high alert and in a defensive position running nuclear war drills with Belarus.
Tensions rose to the breaking point yet NATO and the western fascist leaders like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Boris Johnson still beat the drums of war with Russia by saying that Russia was going to invade Ukraine…they did, but it was a provoked Russian invasion.
All the western nations had to do was to give security guarantees to Russia…but clearly the west had been planning this altercation for a long time and picked their moment.
Russia had no choice but to get involved to protect the 4.6 million Russian speaking people living in the region as well as their own borders when the shelling of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics continued to escalate. And so, on February 21st, 2022, when asked for help and recognition by the Donbas republics, Russia launched their war on the Ukrainian regime.
The dangerous provocation played out by belligerent Ukrainian elements on the Russian speaking population of the Donbas region, supported of course by our western fascist politicians, was successful in drawing Russia into the Ukraine civil war.
In Closing:
As a Canadian citizen, no matter which western country I look at these days, be it Canada, Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Britain, France, Germany, Austria or Ukraine, I see a consolidated totalitarian mindset that includes mainstream media who promotes the fascist totalitarian ideology of our governments over their own people, while also stoking the flames of war on citizens of the Donbass.
If anything, the invocation of the “Emergencies Act” and violent, dystopian police crackdown on peaceful people gathered in Ottawa has certainly opened the eyes of millions of Canadians but also billions of people around the world who are watching fascism unfold in Canada and their own nations. (Reference: The 2022 Freedom Convoy in Ottawa)
The propaganda and buildup of hostilities against Russia and the Donbass region, by the same western nations, are also in plain view right now and so we have reached a crossroads that has changed the direction of where we’re all heading. These events should have been a serious wake up call to people around the world, especially in the west as all things violently provoked come home to roost. Awareness and education are sorely needed to reverse the course the world is heading in, especially now that censorship has taken on a massive life of its own…for what is the difference between 20th century book burning and 21st century online censorship?
A Major Development and Escalation (September 2022)
As the game changes in the Ukraine war, provocations by the west on Russia continue to escalate through their steady flow of military weapons to the Kiev regime, with NATO cheering on the sidelines for a Ukraine victory over Russia. So, what we have is a U.S. / NATO proxy war on Russia which is the road to World War III.
After a tactical retreat in the Kharkov region by Russian forces, due to being spread out too thin along the entire Donbass front (1,000kms), the Ukraine military with U.S. military guidance, pushed forward into the area and began a witch hunt on their citizens for so-called “collaborators.” The basis for accusations could be anything, including communicating with the Russian military or receiving humanitarian aid. Tens of thousands of residents in the Kharkov region may become victims of Kiev’s ethnic cleansing.
U.S. officials boasted of their help in the Ukraine battlefront which included American and NATO weapons while Ukraine president Zelensky and other Kiev officials declared that any citizen in the reclaimed region that took as little as food from the Russians would be considered a collaborator, a traitor and punished. Fear by many observers is that the Ukraine punishment will be exactly what they did to the people they called Russian collaborators of “Bucha”, a massacre the Ukrainian regime inflicted on the Russian Ukrainian speaking citizens after the Russian military retreated from the city in April 2022. Kiev still won’t release the names or allow an impartial investigation into the victims of the “Bucha Massacre”, nor have the culprits of the May 2nd, 2014 “Odessa Massacre” been brought to justice where 48 people were murdered by Ultra-Nationalists supported by the Ukrainian coup government.
With the steady influx of western weapons into the Ukraine war, and Ukraine military attacks on Russian soil, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Russian military officials evaluated the situation and called to arms 300,000 reservists, which is 1% of Russia’s full potential. The official statement said that additional troops were required to control the 1,000 km-long contact line between Ukrainian forces and Russian-held areas and to protect the Russian nation.
On September 21st the Donbass republics, Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the Russian-controlled Kherson Region and part of Zaporozhye Region, announced that they would hold referendums on September 23rd, to September 27th, 2022 on a decision to rejoin Russia.
Of course, Western leaders condemned the referendums and dismissed them as “illegitimate”, undemocratic and vowed to “never recognize” the results. The G7 group, which includes the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan, also said it would continue to provide “financial, humanitarian, military, diplomatic and legal support” to the government in Kiev. In other words, they would continue their proxy war on Russia regardless.
So, now that the Donbass republics have voted overwhelmingly in favor to rejoin Russia and that Russia has clearly stated that any military assaults on these areas would be considered attacks on its own territory, and respond accordingly, a western escalation is likely as they have all said they will never recognize the regions referendums like they did in Kosovo.
It didn’t take the U.S. long to strike significant Russian infrastructure. On September 27th, 2022, the day when the four referendums came to their conclusion, the USA attacked the Nord stream II pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany.
Confirmation of the direct sabotage on the pipeline came from former Polish foreign minister “Radoslaw Sikorski”, now an EU lawmaker, who posted a photo on twitter of where the explosions occurred with the words: “Thank you, USA.” He described the incident as a “special maintenance operation.”
There’s been no shortage of threats coming from Western nations against the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline both before and after late February, when Russia sent troops into Ukraine.
Nord Stream II has been ready to pump gas since September 2021, but was not put into operation due to Germany’s refusal to certify it. In August 2022, Polish President Andrzej Duda demanded that the pipeline to be “totally scrapped.”
However, the country that has been against the start, completion and use of the Nord Stream Pipeline from the very beginning has been the USA. In fact, US President Joe Biden warned in early February, before Russia began its military operation in Ukraine, that if Moscow acts against Kiev, “there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” When a journalist asked Biden to clarify exactly what he meant, Biden responded, “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”
The people and countries that will suffer the most from the pipeline sabotage because it also took out Nord Stream I, will be Europe, especially as we enter into the colder parts of the year with their US forced sanctions on Russia that have already caused a severe energy crisis across the E.U…Nord Stream II could have taken care of Europe’s needs if the American’s did not stop the Germans from certifying it. So, if these two pipelines are not fixed and western hostility continues, Europe will freeze this winter while also continue to experience huge inflation on energy prices.
So, here we are at the cusp of a potential World War where dysfunctional, inept and insane western leaders have all stated publicly that they are determined for a Ukraine victory and will support them to the very end…their end and our end it would seem.
A Crisis Moment Approaches for Ukraine
Nothing is going to stop the Russians from protecting themselves and so, down the road, after a defeated and bankrupt Ukraine has lost half of its territory to the Russian and Donbass militaries, it is likely we will see more independent republics emerge in the Russian speaking populations of Ukraine. There will also be a lot of anger from the people in what's left of western Ukraine, an anger and frustration that will eventually be directed at the EU, UK and USA for their broken promises for not helping them at the belligerent levels they expected. Unfortunately for the Ukrainian people, the west was never interested in their victory, they were only interested in prolonging the war and using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder against the superior Russian military.
Eventually, the western puppets in Ukraine will be removed by an angry mob or by hotly contested elections or even a military coup considering that the western backed Ukraine government has not listened to its generals and sacrificed the lives of thousands of Ukrainians.
In the face of defeat and if the warlike military footing continues by the Ukraine regime, then what the people and military of Ukraine need to do is turn on their sociopathic government and the ultra-national elements within it, take control, declare a ceasefire and bring the country back to order. In my mind, this is the only way left for the Ukrainian people to avert absolute disaster for themselves and for the world.
We the people from all over the world need rise up and tell our governments to stop their insane escalation to prevent this conflict from spiraling out of control and turning into an all-out war between Russia and NATO.
Ukraine will never be the same regardless
Ukraine, like Turkey, will never be accepted as a European Union member, and when Ukraine's impoverished economy of subsistence really begins to bite, a realization will kick in, that for western Ukraine, if it survives as an entity, will have to return to their historical ties with Russia and leave their European Union illusions behind for a distant future date. By then however, the world will have drastically changed and the European Union will be just a dreadful stain in Europe’s history. For the European Union will also not survive in its present form once the sanctions they imposed on Russia come back to haunt them in the escalating energy crisis.
The solution for the European nations is to break from their EU prison and walk away from US/ UK domination and reconnect their economies with Russia for a win / win solution...this is what lays on the table in the near- and long-term future for the EU and Ukraine...the speed of which will depend on how quickly the western economies inflate and begin to collapse.
As for the people of the west, we need to rise up and take back control of our countries from the sinister elements controlling our nations. If we do not, they will take us all to our total destruction.
2025, March 03rd: So, here we are, three years later. The war in Ukraine is coming to an end but the insanity by NATO nations still persists. Hopefully that won’t last long, since western nations such as Britain and France, no longer hold the power they once did; not even together in their NATO club. Quite frankly, their war mongering is almost laughable if it wasn’t so tragically dangerous.
The Donald Trump administration is walking away from Zelensky, who still wants to carry on a war that is already lost. In the eyes of the world, especially after watching the Trump, Zelensky reality show, it’s safe to say that vassal Zelensky has outlived his usefulness to the USA.
The Trump government has signaled that they want to move on, but they want a return on their investment. I.E. Ukraine’s natural resources.
With Zelensky on his way out, a new Ukrainian leader will emerge that the Americans will work with but he will also have to appeal to the Russian government if a peace deal is to be worked out. So, we will see the Trump administration try to preserve a part of Ukraine that includes Odessa, due to its port access on the Black Sea. This type of deal secures an American footprint inside the new Ukraine…but will the Russian’s agree to this or will the Russians achieve their goals and drive out western influence in Ukraine?
A peace agreement is in the interest of all people around the world, but can the Americans be trusted? If I was Russia, I’d not eagerly give up ground that may cost them in blood down the road.
Is the Trump administration serious about a lasting peace with Russia?
We are certainly going to find out.
Full Meeting between President Trump, VP Vance and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in Oval Office