Sunday, June 6, 2010

Israel thumbs nose at world anger

Source: Press TV§ionid=351020202

Israel has triggered a new tide of global outrage after it started circulating a video that pokes fun at the Freedom Flotilla activists, recently attacked by armed Israeli commandos.

While world countries and international organizations are up in arms over a deadly Israeli attack on a ship carrying aid for Gazans, Tel Aviv continues to refuse to show any remorse for its violent actions.

In a move that further added insult to injury, the Israeli Press Office (GPO) distributed a link to a highly offensive musical video, dubbed "We Con the World", which was put together by a former member of the Israeli military, Caroline Glick.

Set to the tune of the 1985 hit, "We are the World", the video shows over a dozen Arab lookalikes sporting traditional clothes and singing satirical verses, such as "There's no people dying, so the best that we can do is create the biggest bluff of all."

The move raised a storm of protest across the globe, which was instantly shrugged off by Glick, who described the video as "an important Israeli contribution to the discussion of recent events."

Glick, who now serves as a columnist for an Israeli daily, said she hoped the video would be distributed "far and wide."

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev, unabashed by the tidal wave of world condemnation, also brushed aside criticism over the video link, saying he actually thought it was "funny."

"I called my kids in to watch it because I thought it was funny," he said, adding that he first noticed the video on the New York Times website.

"It is what Israelis feel … The GPO distributes non-government items, things that we think that show our side of the story," Regev said.

The new move by Israel comes as twenty-eight children lost their fathers as a result of the Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla aid convoy.

Nine people died on May 31 when Israeli soldiers opened fire on the Turkish vessel M.V. Mavi Marmara as it attempted to transport humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip.

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