Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brits protest outside Israeli Embassy

Source: Press TV§ionid=351020606

Several thousand people are protesting in Britain against the Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid convoy that killed nine people and injured another 50.

The protesters marched from Downing Street to the Israeli Embassy in London on Saturday, urging the British government to step up pressure on Israel following the deadly commando attack.

The demonstrators were waving flags and placards calling for an end to the Israeli siege of the impoverished coastal strip still recovering form last year's three-week Israeli blitz.

Demonstrators also expressed their outrage over Israeli defiance of the international community in boarding one of the last ships on the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza on Saturday.

Israeli navy forces seized the MV Rachel Corrie on Saturday, preventing it from breaking the three-year Israeli-imposed blockade of the beleaguered Palestinian territory.

Among the protesters was Sarah Colborne, 43, of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who was aboard the Freedom Flotilla's Turkish flagship, Mavi Marmara, when it was stormed.

Colborne, who spent almost two days in Israeli custody following the attack, rejected Israeli claims that the activists had terrorist ties, stressing that the boats were purely on a relief mission.

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