Sunday, June 6, 2010

Iran to provide solution for Gaza crisis

Source: PressTV§ionid=351020101

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says he will present a set of 'constructive' proposals to resolve the crisis engulfing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

"After careful deliberation, Iran has come up with a set of tangible and practical proposals to stop Israeli atrocities in the Gaza Strip and resolve the crisis in the sliver," IRNA quoted him as saying on Sunday.

Mottaki made the comments upon arrival in the Saudi city of Jeddah to attend an emergency session of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) on a recent Israeli attack against a Gaza-bound aid ship.

He explained that the tidal wave of condemnation from world countries and international organizations show that Israel had seriously crossed the line when it decided to open fire on humanitarian activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla.

"This inhuman move [by Israel] has been condemned and denounced on the global scene and by leading organizations," he said, expressing hope that the OIC session will be successful in its efforts against Tel Aviv.

"Fortunately, the attack failed to stop the international campaign against [Israel's ongoing blockade of Gaza]….we now see that another ship has set sail for Gaza while more and more countries are voicing support [for the Palestinian cause]," he noted.

Nine people were gunned down by Israeli commandos in the Monday attack on the Turkish vessel M.V. Mavi Marmara, one of whom was a Turkish teenager.

Against a backdrop of Israel's refusal to accept responsibility, OIC Foreign Ministers will convene in Jeddah to explore ways to put a stop to Israeli crimes.

With 57 member states from four continents, the OIC is said to be one of the biggest international organizations and a key player in world affairs.

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