Monday, June 7, 2010

Biden in Egypt after flotilla attack

Source: Press TV§ionid=3510203

Amid high tensions over an Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, US Vice President Joe Biden arrives in Egypt, which together with Israel has imposed a blockade on Gazans.

Biden, who is heading a delegation of senior US officials, is scheduled to hold talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Monday in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

The visit comes a week after Israeli naval forces attacked the Freedom Flotilla in international waters more than 150km off the coast of Gaza. The convoy was carrying food and medical supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Nine international activists are reported to have been killed and 40 others injured in the incident.

Despite the international community's outrage over the attack, the White House has so far declined to condemn Tel Aviv for the offensive.

Earlier on Wednesday, Biden put on a show of support for Israel and told PBS television that "Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest."

However, the US vice president added that Washington would continue to pressure Israel to allow aid shipments into the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile one day after the Israeli attack, Egypt -- which has been assisting Israel in imposing a three-year-long blockade on Gaza -- opened the Rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian assistance into the impoverished enclave.

Earlier on Sunday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said Israel should be "ashamed of itself" for the deadly attack, warning that the incident could hamper the so-called Palestinian-Israeli peace talks.

After his two-day visit, Biden will leave Egypt for Kenya and attend the opening ceremony of the Football World Cup in South Africa on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Obama and Joe Biden influence Constitution writing? See below

    Dear brethren,
    There is an obvious difference between the November 2009 draft and February
    2010 proposed new constitution. Is the USA government writing a new

    Thursday April 1, 2010
    Kenyan Parliament Approves Pro-Abortion Constitution

    April 1, 2010 ( ) - The
    Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues expressed its deep regret that
    today, the Kenyan Parliament passed a Draft Constitution which will enshrine
    a right to abortion in the highest law of the land. The constitution does
    not contain any meaningful restrictions on abortion, despite recognition of
    the right to life from conception. Section 26 contains language which allows
    abortion when in the "opinion of a trained health professional, there is
    need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in
    danger, or if permitted by any other written law."

    This is a reversal of previous law on abortion - which required the opinion
    of two medical doctors who agreed an abortion was necessary for the life of
    the mother- and will open the door to abortion on demand.

    Abortion is also advanced in Article 43 of the Draft which states: (1) Every
    person has the right- (a) to the highest attainable standard of health,
    which includes the right to health care services, including reproductive
    health care;

    According to PNCI Director Marie Smith, "This section can fool those
    unschooled in pro-abortion deceptions but in the US we know that
    reproductive health is defined by pro-abortion advocates at the highest
    level of government as including access to abortion. Hillary Clinton
    believes it does and as the US undertakes a new Global Health Initiative,
    Clinton is in a key position as Secretary of State to make sure her
    definition is imposed on US-sponsored health programs globally, including in

    Another section of the Draft Constitution uses a pro-abortion tactic which
    can escape attention if one is not 'abortion literate'. According to Smith,
    "The Draft creates the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission
    to 'act as the principal organ of the State in ensuring compliance with
    obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights.' "

    "The problem is that pro-abortion agitators continually re-interpret UN
    treaties and conventions to advance their abortion agenda, including radical
    members of treaty bodies. If such individuals serve on the Kenyan Human
    Rights Commission--as they did on the Committee of Experts tasked with
    writing the final Draft Constitution--any Kenya law or policy which limits
    abortion will be eliminated."

    Leading pro-abortion legal entity, the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR),
    implored Clinton to send a message to Kenya expressing support for the Draft
    Constitution and opposing any amendments to eliminate abortion language or
    the Human Rights and Equality Commission. The Clinton letter by Nancy
    Northup attacked the right to life clause using common pro-abortion

    "It is also directly at odds with international human rights law.
    International and African regional human rights treaties and the official
    bodies that have interpreted their provisions have not extended "right to
    life" protections to fetuses. Instead, their decisions support the position
    that recognizing the right to life from conception would interfere
    significantly with women's basic human rights."

    An intense campaign to protect the unborn and their mothers from the
    violence of abortion has taken face begin in Kenya as the nation moves to a
    referendum on the new constitution in August 4th.
    Dr Stephen Muketha


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