Monday, June 7, 2010

Najib raps Israel as world gangster

Source: Press TV§ionid=351020406

Malaysia has strongly condemned Israel's "heinous crimes," saying Tel Aviv should face the International Criminal Court over its last week attack on a Gaza aid convoy.

"Malaysia will urge the United Nations Security Council to tackle Israel's aggressive acts and to have those who committed such heinous crimes to be brought before the International Criminal Court," AFP quoted Najib Razak as telling Malaysian lawmakers on Monday.

Last week, Israeli naval commandos launched a deadly attacked on a Gaza-bound aid convoy, killing at least nine human rights activists and left more than 40 others injured.

Najib blamed the United States — traditionally seen as Israel's guardian and closes ally — for protecting the Israel regime, calling in Washington to pressure Israel to behave responsibly.

"The Israeli commandos shot the activists point blank and even from the back …These blatant acts occurred because the world gangsters, Israel, feel they are protected by a world power," he said.

Najib describe the manner in which in which the activists were killed as "an act of a coward which cannot be forgiven."

The prime minister said Israel must pay compensation for confiscated humanitarian aid and for the "psychological, emotional and physical trauma brought upon the activists."

The Irish-owned aid ship Rachel Corrie, sponsored by a Malaysian foundation and carrying six Malaysian activists on board, was seized by Israeli forces on Saturday as it tried to break the blockade on Gaza.

Under breaking international pressure and widespread protests across the globe, Israel released the Malaysian activists were sent to Jordan.

Thousands of Malaysians on Friday turned up on a massive demonstration outside the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur, where the Israeli flag was burned in protest over the attack.

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