Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Irish PM faces vote of confidence

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen speaks during a press conference in Dublin.

Source: Press TV

Ireland's Prime Minister Brian Cowen is facing a confidence vote over his leadership of the ruling Fianna Fail party just months after a financial meltdown in the country.

Members of parliament in Cowen's party are set to decide whether they want him to continue as leader, in a secret ballot scheduled for Tuesday. An election could be called if he loses.

Though Cowen believes he has enough backing to claim victory, his previously loyal foreign minister, Michael Martin, suddenly turned against him on Sunday, exclaiming that Fianna Fail now needed a new leader.

Then on Monday, Irish Trade Minister Billy Kelleher joined forces with Martin, saying he too, could not support Cowen.

Yet other ministers, led by Welfare Minister Eamon O'Cuiv and Enterprise Minister Batt O'Keeffe, back the leader.

The controversial meeting is set to convene at around 5.30 p.m. in Dublin.

Experts believe the secret ballot -- with its private vote -- could serve as a secret weapon for Cowen's opponents and that even a victory may only be a temporary reprieve for the embattled Irish leader.

The vote of confidence was called by Cowen, himself, in November after some of his party members demanded his resignation.

Fianna Fail party has been under fire over Cowen's handling of the country's financial crisis, which forced Ireland to seek an 85 billion-euro ($113bn) bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for its stricken economy.

An opinion poll carried by Red C for Paddy Power Plc has put support for the ruling party at a record low of 14 percent.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephen

    Thanks for the mention of Paddy Power in your post - we are chuffed.

    Since your post, the election has been called - it's scheduled for March 11th so election mania is beginning to kick in here.

    Please get in touch



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