Saturday, June 5, 2010

US urges free access to S China Sea

Source: PressTV§ionid=3510203

The US Defense Secretary has called for free access to the South China Sea, warning China and other countries against intimidating US firms working in the region.

In an indirect warning to China, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Saturday that Washington was increasingly concerned about territorial disputes that could pose a threat to free navigation and "economic development”, AFP reported.

"We object to any effort to intimidate US corporations or those of any nation engaged in legitimate economic activity," he said in a speech at a security conference in Singapore.

Gates was referring to Beijing's alleged threats against some US energy firms interested in off-shore oil exploration in waters claimed by Vietnam.

A US State Department official told a congressional committee last July that China has threatened some US and foreign oil and gas companies working with Vietnamese partners.

China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei all claim sovereignty over parts of the South China Sea, including the potentially energy-rich Spratly and Paracel island chains.

"We do not take sides on any competing sovereignty claims," Gates said, urging all sides to work to "resolve differences through peaceful, multilateral efforts."

In 2009, China's ships confronted US naval surveillance vessels in the South China Sea as Beijing was objecting to the presence of US ships in what it considers an official economic zone.

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