Friday, June 4, 2010

Freedom flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie continues to head for Gaza

• Six UK and Irish citizens on ship that Israel says cannot dock
• Turkey warns it will reduce ties with Israel to a minimum
• Hamas leader says humanitarian aid alone not enough

Source: The guardian UK

By: Adam Gabbatt, and Harriet Sherwood in Gaza City

Passengers aboard an aid ship bound for Gaza were bracing themselves tonight for a clash with Israeli forces after authorities said it would not be allowed to dock in the blockaded area.

The MV Rachel Corrie, which was part of the Freedom Flotilla intercepted by commandos on Monday, leaving nine activists dead, is due to arrive in Gaza by noontomorrow , organisers said.

The Israeli foreign ministry said it had "no desire for confrontation" and would assure the boat safe passage to the port of Ashdod, in Israel.

But passengers issued a defiant message through the Free Gaza Movement website: "Communication is difficult and sometimes impossible and there are many rumours out there started by Israeli authorities, but there is no way we are going to Ashdod," they said in a joint statement. "We are, for sure, on our way to Gaza." The Rachel Corrie, named after a 23-year-old American killed in Gaza in 2003 by an Israeli bulldozer, fell behind the original fleet after mechanical problems. Those aboard suspect it may have been sabotaged.

Communicating with those on board, who include Nobel peace prize laureate Máiread Maguire, has proved difficult.

"They want to get in during daylight tomorrow," said Martin O'Quigley of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign. "They don't want to approach the exclusion zone in darkness."

The Freedom Flotilla, which consisted of six ships, was boarded by Israeli forces at around 3.30am on Monday morning, reportedly around 90 miles from Gaza.
Maguire said the activists were determined to press on, but would offer no resistance should they be boarded.

"We will sit down," she told the Associated Press in a telephone interview from the ship. "They will probably arrest us ... but there will be no resistance."
The White House said yesterday that Israel's blockade of Gaza was unsustainable and urged the Rachel Corrie to sail to Ashdod.

"The current arrangements are unsustainable and must be changed. For now, we call on all parties to join us in encouraging responsible decisions by all sides to avoid any unnecessary confrontations," Mike Hammer, a spokesman for the US national security council, said in a statement. "In the interest of the safety of all involved, and the safe transmission of assistance to the people of Gaza, we strongly encourage those on board the Rachel Corrie and other vessels to sail to Ashdod to deliver their materials to Gaza," he said.

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, said the ship would be directed to Ashdod. "We shall not allow the ships to reach Gaza. Not now and not later on," the Israeli news website Ynet quoted him as saying. "We intend to direct the Rachel Corrie ship to the Ashdod port and transfer its civilian goods to Gaza following a security check." The Israeli foreign ministry followed up Netanyahu's comments by issued a statement saying it has "no desire to board the ship".

"We have no desire for a confrontation," said the Foreign Ministry Director-General Yossi Gal. "We have no desire to board the ship. If the ship decides to sail the port of Ashdod, then we will ensure its safe arrival and will not board it."
The Rachel Corrie, which is funded by the , is carrying 11 passengers, including the Scottish Captain Eric Harcis.

In addition to six British and Irish citizens on the ship there are six Malaysians, including an MP and a team of journalists, organisers said. Ram Karthigasu, a spokesman for the Malaysian travellers, said they were "determined" to continue the journey towards Gaza.

The ship is carrying school supplies, printing paper, children's shoes, wheelchairs, sports equipment and fire extinguishers, and its load has been checked by the Irish government before it sailed, organisers said. Israel bars cement and other building materials from entering Gaza, saying they are often used for building tunnels to smuggle in weapons and explosives.

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