By: Stewart Brennan
I want to comment on something that should be viewed as the main reason that the US military is interfering in the Middle East. "Oil"
The USA consumes about 24% of the worlds oil and needs to import more of it each year as their own production has gone into terminal decline. Add an ever-growing demand for oil by a World living as a consumer society and you have a problem that is guaranteed to turn into a nightmare.
Since the American economy and US Military are totally dependent on oil, they will not stop invading countries who have it until they have taken control of all of it. Today, Corporatism or Imperialism is disguised as freedom and democracy.
The American Government uses Terrorism as an excuse to force other countries to see things their way. They have become the Worlds bully. In reality, their empire is dying and they are desperate to save it.
The death toll of the innocent in Iraq is estimated at about 655,000 lives!!! THIS is NOT acceptable to the human race. For what is War but a sociopaths dream created by greedy men whom desire wealth and power.
The problems in the Middle East will not disappear until the US government stops arming Israel against its neighbors and interfering in the politics of the region. America must back off and allow the people to settle their own problems...However, that is not the goal of the Americans.
Israel was created by the USA and Britain after World War 2.
Israel was created after World War 2 so that the United States and Britain could secure a foothold in the rich oil fields of the Middle East. The United States arms Israel so that the Americans can maintain a strong presence in the oil region. 63% of the Worlds oil supply comes from the Middle East and Eurasia combined.
So, Israel was carved out of Palestine and the land taken away from the people who lived there. The perplexing thing is that the Israelis not only decided to exclude the native Palestinians from being equal citizens, but they waged a brutal war of occupation and ethnic cleansing on them ever since. I am sure that if the Government of Israel accepted the Palestinians as equals, and allowed them equal access and freedom as God intended for all mankind, there would be a unified middle east right now...however, the US and UK protect Israel no matter what crimes they commit...Why?
Occupation 101
US Empire
The Americans have become ruthless in their quest for corporate ownership of the planets resources (especially oil) in the name of an Imperial empire…THAT is the American interest they covertly talk about.
If the US is unplugged from the Middle East Oil, the American dictatorship and its dreams of empire dies, and it will take down the global economy with it. Most of the Western nations have been pushed or bullied to side with the USA in its quest for a "New World Order". Nobody wants it, the ordinary people that is don't want it...however, there is a greedy bunch of Investment bankers who own enormous shares in the corporate empire that will do everything in their power to maintain their domination of the World's economics.
A Grassroots Awakening
I believe that people are beginning to see for the first time, what it is that controls them, and they see it's very wrong. The American people are starting to emerge from the darkness that mainstream media propaganda has been imposing on them since the end of WWII. Freedom of the Internet has opened the eyes and minds of average people around the globe to reality and to the truth; much the same way the printing press revolutionized mans education in the middle ages. However, the significance and the immensity are far greater. The Internet is our one saving grace so we must protect it from being controlled by oligarchs who have a vested interest in silencing free speech and alternative opinion.
If the people in Israel (Palestine) were not under the American influence, there would be peace and harmony in the region.
My hope regarding this post is that a new awakening might take shape in the World by removing the blinders that mainstream news has placed in their minds by their stealth propaganda barrage. I would like to see a World where human life outweighs corporate profits and the military might of a bully. I don’t want a New World Order I want peaceful order in a new World!
By: Stewart Brennan